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Adonis Male Body Ratio Calculator

The Adonis Male Body Ratio is a traditional calculation for the 'ideal' male body going back to ancient Greek times. Although few men ever reach (or maintain) this exact golden ratio, it can be a useful way to track progress when body building.

Adonis Ratio

Shoulder Circumference: 42 Inches

Waist Circumference: 37 Inches

Adonis Body Ratio: 1.14

This body ratio is below the ideal Adonis Ratio

Try entering different waist and shoulder circumferences in the form to see what you need to hit the ideal ratio of 1.618

About This Tool

The Adonis Index (also known as the Golden Ratio of male beauty) is a formula that assesses male physical attractiveness based on certain comparing body measurements. The idea is rooted in the ancient Greek ideal of proportion and symmetry, reflecting a harmonious balance that is visually appealing. The index is derived from the Golden Ratio (approximately 1 to 1.618), which appears frequently in nature and classical art, symbolizing perfection.

For men, the Adonis Index primarily focuses on the shoulder-to-waist ratio. An ideal ratio is around 1.618. In simple terms, this means the circumference of the shoulders (at the widest point) should be about 1.618 times broader than the waist (at the narrowest point). This proportion would give a V-shaped torso, associated with strength, vitality, and health. More advanced versions can go beyond the shoulders and waist, and considers other aspects (such as chest size, limb proportions, and overall body symmetry).

The pursuit of the Adonis Index has influenced fitness and bodybuilding cultures, giving a common standard for men to strive to achieve these idealized measurements through targeted exercise and diet. Crucially, it eliminates height as a factor, which cannot be altered by strength training, focusing on areas that can be worked on.

While the concept behind the Adonis Body Ratio underscores the significance of physical aesthetics, it is also important to recognize the subjective nature of beauty and the varying preferences across different cultures and individuals.