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Harvard Reference Generator

Referencing a Magazine Article

Please fill out ALL the details below, then click the button to generate your reference in the correct format.

About The Harvard Referencing Tool

If you're a student and have ever had to write reports, essays or a thesis, you will have had to reference the sources of information you have used. If you mention something that someone else has written/published, you need to give them credit by referencing their work.

The Harvard Referencing System is one of the preferred layouts for these references. It is a relatively strict way of arranging the bibliographical information.

This Harvard Reference Generator tool takes in the raw information - things like author, title, year of publication - and creates the reference in the correct form.

You can then highlight and copy this into the bibliography section of your report - arranging them alphabetically by authors' surnames.

You then reference this next to the relevant section within the main text of your essay in the format (Author, Year) such as (Smith, 1983).

e.g. The arms race between Bees and Wasps has escalated in recent decades, and many now suggest a full-scale war is inevitable (Benson, 2021).

If you are citing more than one work from the same author in the same year, you add a letter to the year to differentiate them (not the first one, though)

e.g. (Smith, 2021) (Smith, 2021b) (Smith, 2021c).

Harvard Reference Magazine Format

The correct format for a Harvard Magazine Citation is:

Author. (Year). Article Title. Magazine Title. day month year, page(s).
e.g. Smith, T. (2022). Magazine industry booming. The National Magazine. 4th April 2022, p.12.

What's the point of a bibliography in a report or essay?

A bibliography is a list of the books (or other sources of information) that you consulted when writing an essay, report, thesis or dissertation.

When doing research, we very rarely come up with our own theories. These take time to develop, and involve putting them out for discussion and debate in the wider community to pick up any flaws in our thinking or research processes. By using the theories of others, we include ideas in our works that have already gone through that academic testing.

However, you have to be aware that you are using someone else's work for your own benefit. You will get the marks, but the author of the ideas may have put in decades of research to come up with the concepts.

Therefore, you need to ensure that you reference your sources - essentially giving credit to the person whom you are citing.

Harvard-style referencing is one of the standard ways to provide this information, allowing anyone reading your work to quickly locate the original source.

Please note: Universities, colleges and schools sometimes have their own variations on style formats, so although this tool can save time, you should still familiarise yourself with their preferred formatting in case it differs.